Any businessman can tell you that owning your own business is a very difficult task. Business owners have to carry the burden of their company as they try to plan for any mistakes or accidents that could potentially devastate their business. Americal Insurance is here to help you insulate yourself and your business. We provide the commercial umbrella insurance your company needs to properly handle any potential lawsuits that come your way due to accidents or unsatisfied customers.

The Power of Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance, also known as excess liability insurance, covers your business from catastrophic issues that threaten its security. These policies work in conjunction with your basic liability insurance to ensure you are covered for any damage amount that exceeds your existing liability coverage. Think of umbrella insurance as your safety net when the coverage of all of your other insurances has been exhausted.

Protecting your business from costly lawsuits is one of the smartest moves you can make as a business owner. Our team is ready to provide you with the commercial umbrella insurance you need to enjoy peace of mind when an accident puts your company against the wall.

Contact us in Encino when you are interested in learning more about the benefits of commercial umbrella insurance. We offer a free, no-obligation quote to customers living throughout the entire state of California.