Refer Your Friends for a Great Reward
Americal Insurance is always looking for new ways to help our customers save money. From our insurance discounts to our special gift cards, we work hard to create positive experiences for our customers so they are more inclined to share our company with their friends and family. Not only that, but we also reward customers that refer people to our agency.
Clients will receive a $5 Starbucks™ gift card when they refer their friends to our insurance agency. You’ll also receive an additional gift card if your friend purchases a policy from Americal Insurance. We have additional rewards and competitions happening all of the time.
That means you should check back often and send your friends to us to start earning some great prizes for just helping those you care about save money on their insurance policies. It is a win-win situation.
Contact us in Encino when you are interested in helping your friends learn about our insurance discounts. We provide coverage to customers living throughout the entire state of California.